My 2017 Christmas Wishlist

My 2017 Christmas Wishlist

Genuinely, I cannot believe that I’m already writing my 2017 Christmas wish list. It feels like only yesterday that I was writing the 2016 one. This past year has just flown by, an absolute whirlwind! Between starting a new job, graduating and juggling all the opportunities that have come from…

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The Low Down on BloggerConf 2016

The Low Down on BloggerConf 2016

Hello again guys, You might have noticed on my social media pages over the weekend that I attended BloggerConf. This was the third conference of its type held in the Marker Hotel in Dublin on Saturday November 12th. The room was a hub of activity where bloggers, vloggers and digital…

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What I Wore: Khaki Vibes

What I Wore: Khaki Vibes

Hey dolls, Over the weekend I took a trip up to Dublin to attend Ciara O’Doherty’s YouTube workshop which was hosted in The Dean hotel on Harcourt Street by the lovely guys at FrockAdvisor and Galaxy. Galaxy are the title sponsor for Dublin Fashion Festival so the workshops were held in association with this. There were 4 workshops,…

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