Learning from the Best! #OpshSquad

Learning from the Best! #OpshSquad

Hey girlies, So much has gone on this week, I honestly can’t believe it’s Thursday again already!! The transition in the seasons is always a majorly hectic time in work – you’ve just gotten over the sale rush and you’re straight into crazy amounts of deliveries. One thing that will…

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It’s a Sign! 

It’s a Sign! 

Hey girlies, I just had to share this find with you tonight! I absolutely adore this nectarine dress that I spotted on ASOS earlier this evening. Whenever I have a special occasion that requires a unique outfit, ASOS is one of the first places I click on to – they…

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On Trend: Capes – the new winter coat?

On Trend: Capes – the new winter coat?

Hey girls! Long time, no blogs 🙈 I had my Christmas exams in college last week so I had no time to write any posts unfortunately, apart from an odd Instagram update here and there, desperate!! If I wasn’t locked in the library from 9am to 7pm, I was cramming…

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