Out With The Old, In With The New Year

Out With The Old, In With The New Year

Happy New Year Dolls! 🎉 I’ve said this a lot over the last couple of days but I really can’t believe that it’s 2017 already. The last 12 months were a rollercoaster for me – there were plenty of highs and new opportunities that I embraced. But with the peaks,…

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5 Things to Do in Wexford this Mid-Term

5 Things to Do in Wexford this Mid-Term

Hello again guys, Now that the Bank Holiday is over you may be thinking that there aren’t too many festivities going on around Wexford and how in Gods name are you going to keep the kiddies entertained on their mid-term break?! Well fear not! I’ve compiled a list of 5…

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Happy Hallowe’en!

Happy Hallowe’en!

Hi guys, Happy Hallowe’en! I hope you’ve all been enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend! I was only commenting on it during the week in work, how the months are flying by and we’re already into the closing months of the year – where did the time go to? With the…

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What I Wore: Bank Holiday Sunday

What I Wore: Bank Holiday Sunday

Hey dolls, I hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday, thank God the weather was so fine and it gave us all a chance to get out and about and soak up some Vitamin D! I got a great colour thankfully but I think it has just given me the…

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What I Wore: Midi Skirt and Blazer Combo

What I Wore: Midi Skirt and Blazer Combo

Hey dolls, I hope everyone enjoyed the Easter holidays and you’re easing yourselves back to reality today, recovered from the chocolate coma, or in my case, the ‘wine flu’ 😬 I headed out in Enniscorthy with some friends on Sunday night and it was great craic, the nightclub was absolutely…

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