My Skincare Routine

My Skincare Routine

Hey girls, Happy Monday! 😄So many people dread Monday’s but I like to see the beginning of a new week as full of new opportunities. A positive vibe never killed anyone 😉👌 Anyway, todays blog is something a little bit different – I just wanted to run through my own…

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My Christmas Wishlist 2015

My Christmas Wishlist 2015

Hey girls, It’s been hard for me to wrap my head around Christmas this year, I’ve just had so much going on between college and family, that I haven’t really got into the spirit this year. I think when my exams are out of the way I’ll be all about…

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Welcome to Holy Chic

Welcome to Holy Chic

Hey girls! So this is it, my very first blog post! I’ve thought about what I’d write in this post for some time and when I found myself struggling to decide whether to write Hello Ladies, Hey Dolls or Hi Girls as the opening to this post I put my…

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