A New Tan to Fall in Love With – Luv Tan Review

A New Tan to Fall in Love With – Luv Tan Review

I’m slowly but surely catching up on all of the blog posts I want to write. My exams put a halt to my blogging for a couple of weeks but I’m back in the swing of things. Today I have yet another tanning review for you! It seems that a…

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Crazy About Crazy Angel!

Crazy About Crazy Angel!

Hey guys! Recently I was very kindly sent some products from the team at Crazy Angel and having tried them out for a couple of weeks, I wanted to put together a little review. Crazy Angel are a professional brand of tanning products. I’ve had Crazy Angel spray tans in the…

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Bellamianta Tan Review

Bellamianta Tan Review

Happy August dolls!! Can you believe it’s August already, I really don’t know where this year is flying away to! I celebrated my 22nd birthday yesterday on the 31st of July – I love that it falls on the Bank Holiday weekend as it gives me a chance to get…

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