It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done!

It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done!

Hey girls,

If you follow me on Instagram you’ll recognise the quote “It always seems impossible until it’s done” because on Thursday I got my Christmas exam results and thank God, I passed everything! They were the results from my first semester of second year so obviously they were a little bit tougher than first year. I honestly found that semester to be super easy, I doodled along through it but all the work was getting done at the same time, it was great! Then study week came and sh*t hit the fan!! 😓 I’m talking close-to-tears in the library moments, eyes falling out of my head from reading notes on my laptop and Red Bull fuelled late nights cramming in any bits of information I could fit in my brain! I’ve definitely never got so wound up over exams in my life which was mad considering I had been flying through the semester up to that point. I guess it goes to show that you need to consistently be working away to avoid it becoming all to much at exam time. You can imagine how relieved I was when I opened my results on my phone, sitting in a law lecture with a delicate head on me from Wednesday nights antics 🙈 I didn’t know whether to be happy, cry or go for a nap!!😂😂


Thursday Morning Feels 🙈😂😂

Then I got the news that my housemates had passed their exams too so of course, it was time to party! We almost always host pre-drinks in our house purely because we’ve got the space there so it was great to celebrate together with some of our friends as well. We had the old school tunes on and the drinks flowing, everyone was in great humour so it was a brilliant night!


My college family 💖


Gal Pals 💋

I’m still trying to figure out how to dress myself since I dyed my hair, (God I sound like a 5 year old, don’t know how to dress myself 🙈😂😂) so I opted for this black shift dress from Topshop, which I have still seen recently in their Waterford and Wexford concessions, paired with over-the-knee black boots that were from Korkys, borrowed from one of my besties, a perk of living with your mates yeno 😉 I was on the lookout for a jumper-dress so I could try out the new ‘Lampshading’ trend but when I looked back on the photos, this dress actually nearly did the trick 😁 Lampshading is essentially teaming over the knee boots with a super-oversized, baggy, boyfriend fit jumper or dress. Sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are both fans of the look as you can see below.

What I Wore:

img_78861 img_7901

Celebrity Inspiration:


It’s time to knuckle down now as this semester’s results count towards my overall degree result but I still hope to fit in as much blogging as I can – you can’t get rid of me that easy 😉😂😂

Love, Denise x

Celebrity inspiration photo credit:


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