Adult Acne and How I Treat It

Adult Acne and How I Treat It

When you’re suffering with adult acne, it can be extremely frustrating! I tried so many treatments and products in an effort to find a reprieve. After about a year of trial and error, this is the home care routine that has worked for me.

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My Kind of VIP Event at Coast Kilmore Quay

My Kind of VIP Event at Coast Kilmore Quay

VIP Magazine is an Irish publication that I have long adored. I remember my Mam would buy it regularly when I was only a little girl and when she was finished reading it I would flick through the pages admiring the style of those within. Even now, in the age…

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My New Declaré Skincare Routine

My New Declaré Skincare Routine

Recently I’ve overhauled my skincare routine and have introduced products from a skincare brand called Declaré to my daily routine. Before then, I was in a routine that I thought was right for me and my skin. I would always describe my skin as being normal to combination; no dryness or oiliness,…

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All Aboard the Xposé Beauty Bus with Vichy

All Aboard the Xposé Beauty Bus with Vichy

On Saturday morning I had the pleasure of being invited on board the Xposé Beauty Bus. They’ve teamed up with premium beauty brand Vichy for a whistle stop tour of Ireland. It stops in Galway, Limerick, Wexford, Cork and Dublin and Xposé viewers have the chance to win beauty treatments on it. I was…

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My Skincare Routine

My Skincare Routine

Hey girls, Happy Monday! 😄So many people dread Monday’s but I like to see the beginning of a new week as full of new opportunities. A positive vibe never killed anyone 😉👌 Anyway, todays blog is something a little bit different – I just wanted to run through my own…

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