Rosie Connolly’s Masterclass – The Product List

Rosie Connolly’s Masterclass – The Product List

Welcome back to Holy Chic dolls – anyone that follows my social media will know that at the end of July I turned 23! I spent the weekend celebrating with friends and family and honestly, it was the best birthday I’ve had in years. It was great fun, relaxing and…

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Hot Commodities – June 2017

Hot Commodities – June 2017

I really can’t believe it’s been a YEAR since my last Hot Commodities post! I knew I hadn’t wrote one in a while, but I didn’t think it was 12 months. 😱 For anyone that’s new, (there are quite a few since June 2016), Hot Commodities is a series of blog…

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WINNER ANNOUNCED!! Holy Chic 1K Giveaway

WINNER ANNOUNCED!! Holy Chic 1K Giveaway

Happy Friday Dolls!! There are so many reasons to celebrate today – apart from the fact that it’s Friday & the weekend is finally here, I have a fabulous giveaway to share with you all to mark reaching the 1K mark on Facebook & Instagram! 🎉🎉🎉 Thank You! It may…

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Hot Commodities – April 2016

Hot Commodities – April 2016

Hi dolls! The month of March absolutely flew away on me so I’m back today with my Hot Commodities for April. This series of blog posts is literally like my own wish list so I include everything that I’m lusting for, whether it’s from the high street or the luxury…

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Hot Commodities – February 2016

Hot Commodities – February 2016

Hey girls, This month I’ve decided to introduce a new type of blog post dedicated to the items that have found their way to my mental lust list or what I like to call ‘Holy Chic’s Hot Commodities‘ 😉Whether they are designer luxuries that I can only dream about, the…

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