The Anti-New Year

The Anti-New Year

It was only when I was sharing pictures from the year gone on InstaStories yesterday that I realised how much was packed in to just 12 months. Events that I had sworn were years ago, or that I had forgotten about all together, popped up. It just goes to show…

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My 2017 Christmas Wishlist

My 2017 Christmas Wishlist

Genuinely, I cannot believe that I’m already writing my 2017 Christmas wish list. It feels like only yesterday that I was writing the 2016 one. This past year has just flown by, an absolute whirlwind! Between starting a new job, graduating and juggling all the opportunities that have come from…

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Real Techniques MultiTech Launch at BOA Urban Eatery

Real Techniques MultiTech Launch at BOA Urban Eatery

Earlier this month, I spent the evening in fabulous company with the Irish ambassador for Real Techniques, Jade Mullett and her RT crew. Real Techniques is a brand that I’ve personally used and loved for years now. I’ve wrote some posts on their brushes before, which you can read here,…

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All I Want For Christmas 🎄

All I Want For Christmas 🎄

I hope you’ve been enjoying my Christmas Gift Guide series of blog posts recently. Of course, it’s not all about the presents, I think the time spent with family and friends is the best part for me – but a little gift doesn’t hurt 😜 This post is my own personal…

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Christmas Gift Guide – For Her 💖

Christmas Gift Guide – For Her 💖

Hey dolls, Welcome back to my Christmas Gift Guide series of blog posts. My first one was full of Kris Kringle gift inspiration, (you can read it here), and it got a great reception so I’m really pleased that you got some ideas from it 😄 This post is all about…

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Christmas Gift Guide – Kris Kringle Gift Ideas

Christmas Gift Guide – Kris Kringle Gift Ideas

Hey guys, For the first of my gifting guides this Christmas I’m going to focus on some ideas for Kris Kringle. I do this every year with my group of close friends and it’s great as there are 6 of us, so instead of worrying about 5 different gifts, we’re…

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4 Ways to Wear Velvet!

4 Ways to Wear Velvet!

Hey dolls! Now that it’s November I’m so excited to share some more fashion posts with you focusing on the impending Christmas season! The high street retailers are getting their high-winter or Christmas party stock in over the next few weeks and in todays post I wanted to spotlight a…

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Crazy About Crazy Angel!

Crazy About Crazy Angel!

Hey guys! Recently I was very kindly sent some products from the team at Crazy Angel and having tried them out for a couple of weeks, I wanted to put together a little review. Crazy Angel are a professional brand of tanning products. I’ve had Crazy Angel spray tans in the…

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What I Wore: NYE 2015

What I Wore: NYE 2015

Hey guys, This post is coming a little late as I had major issues uploading the photos 🙄 #BloggerProblems 🙈 So as I mentioned in my 2015 Highlights post, I celebrated the New Year with some of my closest friends. A group of us met in a pub in town,…

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Spare a Thought this Christmas..

Spare a Thought this Christmas..

Hey girls, This week has totally run away on me, like where did the days go? My Christmas exams start on Monday so I’ve been trying to study but I think any fellow students will understand my emphasis on the word ‘trying’!! My level of procrastination has hit an all…

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My Christmas Wishlist 2015

My Christmas Wishlist 2015

Hey girls, It’s been hard for me to wrap my head around Christmas this year, I’ve just had so much going on between college and family, that I haven’t really got into the spirit this year. I think when my exams are out of the way I’ll be all about…

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Party Season Fashion with Missguided

Party Season Fashion with Missguided

Hey girls, I’m enjoying my Sunday off after a busy Black Friday weekend in work – us ladies love a bargain, don’t we?! Well the Christmas party season has definitely started, there were so many work parties on everyone’s Snapchat stories last night 🙈  If yours is still to come…

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